Be stronger than your feelings
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There are sometimes a person knows the things he wants to do or similar things but he feels he cannot or unable to do them. A person should not let that feeling control his life. He should try his best to ignore it and do the things he really wants to do if he thinks he can. There are differences between a person knows ( in his thoughts) or feels he can or cannot do a specific thing.

Usually, if a person feels anything ( he can or cannot) his actions will show it. He should try his best to do the things he wants to do if he is really convinced in them. Most of the times when a person feels he cannot do a specific thing new in his life, it is because of of-of of-of his fear of failing and other people’s reactions towards him.

A person should try to be brave enough to do the things he wants because if he was not brave, he will never be the person he wants to be or reach the goal he wants. Most of the times when a person feels or thinks he cannot do the things he wants, it is because of his thoughts and being unsure about the information he has about that goal.


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Unstable thoughts
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There are sometimes a person feels his mood and his ideas are not stable in his mind or he receives to many information from others. Sometimes a person feels he is lost in his ideas. Usually a person feels that feeling few times in his life.

Most of the times when a person feels he is lost or do not have anything that really take his attention in his life, it means he needs to have some private time to rearrange his ideas, believes. Usually a person’s behaviours are the results of his ideas. When a person’s thoughts are not really clear to himself he should prevent himself from behaving.

Each person may have some while of unstable ideas. When a person do not understand his life he may begin to over think and decide on a specific thing but after few minutes he changes his mind. Usually when a person have to many or opposite thoughts, he likes to think about them to know which idea and information is right and which one is wrong.

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