Love and love to own
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Some people think love and love to own something or have the power over someone are one thing or have the same meaning . This is a mistake, some people do. They have the opposite meanings. Love means: A person wants a specific person to be happy in a place at anytime and that person’s happiness is his happiness too. Love to own or control means: A person wants someone to be with him, even if by force just to let that person to do the things he wants to do and most of the times he does not treat him as a human with feelings, he treats him more as if that person was his servants but without giving them money or anything.

A person should not allow and try to prevent anyone to take advantage of him. Usually when a person just wants to have a relationship with a specific person, it is just because he is being with another person and not with him, or his attention is not with that person. Usually a person who love to own different things such as if they like a certain person they do not allow him to speak or sit with others because they think he belongs to them, similar to when a person have a toothbrush, he does not allow anyone to uses it but at least he has some real excuses for the toothbrush.

Usually a person does not like to be with anyone who always tries to control him just because he thinks he is one of his personal things. Love does not mean controlling a person’s behaviours. It means a person wants a certain person to be happy at all times and in any circumstances as long as that person does not have any problems. Love means letting a person be free to go while hoping he will stay forever.

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Give to bring happiness
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It is a good thing when a person gives his things, clothes, shoes and toys to people who cannot afford them. It will make more free room in his place and will let people who receive them be happy because he have something to let him feel warm. A person should always gives others the things he has but do not use anymore.

Usually whenever a person gives others ( people who cannot afford to buy them ) his unused things such as toys, he will be joyful because he know he had done a good deed. A person may buy new clothes, shoes and toys to give them to people he know they cannot afford them but when a person gives others his own things, clothes he will make more space for new things and he will let other people, families be happy in the same time. It is very good thing for a person to give others (people who cannot afford the things ) as a habit.

Some people think if they had given others their things, they will have some problems such as if a person gave others some of his clothes or money, he will have less clothes or money. This does not have to be true. Usually when people buy stuff they buy more than they need, this is why when a person discover some clothes he has he do not wear or things he has he does not use anymore, he should give it to other people who really needs them but cannot afford them.

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The real meaning
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Did you ever thought what does ( I love you ) phrase really means? These words are very special when they are spoken or written, especially if they were from a special person because they let the receiver feel happy. It lets a person be in a good mood because it tells him, he is accepted as he is by a specific person.

When a person says “I love you” to a specific person, it really means he accepts the other person as she or he is, without trying to change him and he always feels he wants her or him to be beside him all of the time. It also means a person accepts the other person as he is and he feels that the person is his other half, it also means a person’s heart and thoughts are with the other person. (This only happens between men and women.) A person does not need to say “I love you” phrase to let the other person know, he could tell he loves that specific person by his behaviors. Usually, behaviors are stronger than words.

Love is a beautiful feeling but since it is a feeling, it means people cannot look directly at it. Some people may use it as an excuse to do anything they want, even if the things they want to do harm others. This is the reason many people, women, and men doubt when a person ( if from the other type) said it to them.

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Act as your words
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In some cultures, men should stick firmly to their words, but women do not have to. Usually, people respect a person who says something and does not change his words later. A person’s behaviors should prove his words, phrase. Men and women should behave in that way. This does not mean a person never changes his thoughts and behaves like a rock, a person should behave to similar to a tree. ( For the tree and rock, you can read ways of a living article)

Most of the times when a person do as he said he would do, people will start to treat him as a grown-up person. A person whose behaviors and words proves the same thing is a real mature, strong person. Most of the times when a person’s behaviors are the opposite of his words, others will not really depend on him in anything he says.

Usually, a person needs to have a strong personality and should be really convinced in the subject or ideas he is talking about to do the things he said he will do. Most of the times grownups are respected because they do not frequently change their words meanings. A person should always think many times about the words he planning to say because once they have been said, a person who said they should prove for others he really means them.

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Unstable thoughts
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There are sometimes a person feels his mood and his ideas are not stable in his mind or he receives to many information from others. Sometimes a person feels he is lost in his ideas. Usually a person feels that feeling few times in his life.

Most of the times when a person feels he is lost or do not have anything that really take his attention in his life, it means he needs to have some private time to rearrange his ideas, believes. Usually a person’s behaviours are the results of his ideas. When a person’s thoughts are not really clear to himself he should prevent himself from behaving.

Each person may have some while of unstable ideas. When a person do not understand his life he may begin to over think and decide on a specific thing but after few minutes he changes his mind. Usually when a person have to many or opposite thoughts, he likes to think about them to know which idea and information is right and which one is wrong.

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The way a person uses his words
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Some people do not pay attention to their way of talking and the words they use. They often wonder when other people get upset with them. A person should never forget other people have emotions and feelings too. Usually, a person way of talking and behaving have the power to control the listener’s way of responding.

Words can be powerful. They may have the power to destroys a person’s life or improves it.  They may be the reason for new, good beginnings in a person’s life. Usually, a person way of talking and behaving have the power to control the listener way of responding.

A person may give a word many meanings, it depends on the way he uses. A person may say a specific word in a criticizing way, then most of the times he really means the opposite meaning of it. Each person should choose wisely the words and the way he wants or needs to use them in because his words could hurt other people’s feelings.

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Speaking about others
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There are some people like to talk about others or a specific person in front of others if he is not with them. Most of the times those people hate it, if they knew others were talking about them and they were not present in that time. Usually a person get angry if he knew a person was telling others his mistakes and bad points in his personality.

A person should not talk about others in any bad or unhappy way if he do not like others to talk about him because whenever a person talked about a certain person, that person might know and he might get angry. Each person should treat others in the way he likes them to treat him by. Usually when a person who starts to speak about another person’s bad points, he is actually showing others his own bad points in his personality without knowing.

Most of the times, no one can learn valuable lessons from conversation about other people’s private lives and their way of responses for others. Most of the times people who talk about others in that way have one of two reasons, the first is: they are jealous from that person.The second is they feel they are upset with anger feelings towards that person because he did a certain thing

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Communications these days
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Communication does not just means a person hears others by his phone or just by messages. It means people talking in the same subject and both of them (the person who is listening and the person who is talking, focus in the same topic. In these days communicating has changed than before.

In these days people who sit together, usually they are doing something else too, such as checking their mobiles, not just to know the time but to have fun.
Usually when a person behaves like this he prevents others to communicate with him even if he do not have any problem if they had talked to him. 
Most of the times, in these day people uses massages rather than calls or face to face talk. Sending messages  is good but it should never replace face to face talk or calls.

When a person wants or needs to communicate with others, he should prevents himself from using anything that lets him live in another world, such as phones. Whenever a person starts to look at his phone or use it while he is sitting with others he prevents them from talking to him even if he do not mind if they did. If a person wants or is sitting with others he should be with them with his mind and body, not just his body. 

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Apologising from men and women
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The best thing a person could do after feeling guilty for hurting  other person’s feelings is to apologise. Apologising doesn’t necessarily means a person says (I am sorry or I was wrong. Apologies could be shown by a person’s behaviours such as eye contact or gives presents.        

   Apologise for men

Usually men have hard times if a man wants to apologise. Most of the times men choses to apologise to others, specially women by their behaviours. Usually it is hard for men to say ( I am sorry, I was wrong ) this is why they chose to show their regret feelings by their behaviours. This does not mean there are no men say ( I am sorry, I was wrong) but they are few.

 Apologise for women

Usually, most women can easily apologise to others. Most women choses to apologise by words. Some women may also show they are sorry by their behaviours.

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Mind and Feelings
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There are some people’s emotions control their behaviours. Most of the times when a person’s emotions control his behaviours, his actions and behaviours won’t be reasonable. There are some situations a person needs to behave only by his thoughts, such as if a person thinks a specific person did something wrong, he says his opinion. In other situations a person may need to behave by his feelings or emotions such as if a person saw his friend crying or upset, he should sit and talk, to let him feel better.


Usually, men are known, for their self-control and thinking way. They do not behave by certain behaviors just because of their emotions. Most of the times their feelings do not come over their thoughts and behaviors. Meanwhile, in some situations, men’s feelings or emotions can really control their behaviors such as if a man really loves a specific woman.


Women are known for their emotions controlling their behaviors more than their ideas. They are the the opposite of men. This does not mean all women think with their emotions. There are sometimes a woman may just behave by her ideas but most or all woman’s behaviors are based on her emotions.

Each person may need to behave in certain moments in his life just by his ideas and not his emotions and sometimes a person may need to behave by his feelings or emotions. Men and women have feelings and emotions, both of them may need to behave just by their ideas and at other times by their feelings and emotions.


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